
Welcome to the Dubai Health Authority page for Continuing Medical Education (CME Online). The below platforms offers CME Online points accredited and/or recognized by DHA. Every CME provider has it's own process for issuing CME credits points and certificates. You need to create a personal account and follow the provider specific instructions and requirements

BMJ Learning is a CME/CPD approved online resource by Dubai Health Authority (DHA) as from 2008 onwards. According to learning module type, the CME credit points are calculated. DHA Accreditation Committee granted the following CME/CPD credit points:




Total Credit Points

Accreditation Number

BMJ Learning- Read, Reflect & Respond Modules

BMJ in collaboration with Rashid Medical Library, DHA




BMJ Learning- Just in time Modules

BMJ in collaboration with Rashid Medical Library, DHA




BMJ Learning- Interactive Case History Modules

BMJ in collaboration with Rashid Medical Library, DHA




UpToDate  is accredited and recognized as a continuing education resource by colleges, associations, and authorities from around the world.
CME/CPD Statement:
The Dubai Health Authority Accredits UpToDate as an Internet point-of-care (iPOC) activity for 0.5 CPD Points per learning cycle for healthcare professionals. There is no limit to the number of Internet point-of-care learning cycles that healthcare professionals may complete using UpToDate. Accreditation DHA/MTS/ACC/23-2356/A.  
For DHA Users: how to start collecting credits?
1. Create your My Account from UpToDate home page http://www.uptodate.com
2. Complete your details as needed
3. You are done!
BMJ Best Practice users can now claim CPD/CME points for time spent reading topics, from a wide range of institutions. BMJ Best Practice is a CME/CPD approved online resource by Dubai Health Authority (DHA). The Dubai Health Authority Accreditation Committee recognizes BMJ Best Practice as an Internet Point-of-Care (iPOC) activity for 0.5 CPD points for healthcare professionals (Accreditation # DHA/MTS/ACC/22-0025/A)
Take a Continuing Education Course: 
CINAHL Information Systems is an accredited provider of continuing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), which promotes the highest standards of nursing practice and quality care. CINAHL Information Systems is also accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). Each course consists of course materials, an interactive review, a final test, and a module evaluation. You should create an account to start collecting CE credit points.
[CME/CPD Credit Points provided by accredited provider the American Nurses Credentialing Centre (ANCC) is recognized by Dubai Health Authority].

ClinicalKey for Physicians (CME) offers free Internet Point of Care (iPOC) CME credits for self-directed, structured, online learning. CME credits provided by the Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education. A ClinicalKey Personal Account is required. Physicians may earn 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit for each search conducted through ClinicalKey.

iPOC CME: Learn & Earn CME Credit Points. To access [Click here].

iPOC is a self-directed learning process where healthcare professionals take the initiative and the responsibility for what occurs. Physicians or nurses select, manage, and assess their own learning activities; which can be done at the place of work by defining a self-identified clinical question using the Online Evidence-Based Resources that are accessible through Rashid Medical Library.

To claim your CME credit Points, fill the iPOC Completion Form


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DHA Medical Library
Dubai Health Authority
Dubai – United Arab Emirates 
WhatsApp/SMS: +971-55-5686122